Publications & Presentations


Forey E., Lodhar S. Y. F., Gopaul S., Boehmer H. J., Chauvat M. (accepted): A functional trait-based approach to assess the impact of an alien palm invasion on plant and soil communities on a South Pacific island. – Austral Ecology.

Lenz M.-I., Galvin S., Keppel G., Gopaul S., Kowasch M., Watling D., Dyer M.J., Lodhar S., Hanson G.C., Erasmi S. & H.J. Boehmer (in press): Where to Invade Next: Inaction on Biological Invasions Threatens Sustainability in a Small Island Developing State of the Tropical South Pacific. – In: Low, P.S. (ed.) Sustainable Development – Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Chapter 31. Cambridge University Press.

Dyer M.J., Keppel G., Watling D., Tuivava M., Vido S. & H.J. Boehmer (2019): Using expert knowledge and field surveys to guide management of an invasive alien palm in a Pacific Island lowland rainforest. In: C.R. Veitch, M.N. Clout, A.R. Martin, J.C. Russell and C.J. West (eds.), Island invasives: scaling up to meet the challenge, pp. 417–423. Occasional Paper SSC no. 62. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Dyer M.J., Keppel G., Tuiwawa M., Vido S. & H.J. Boehmer (2018): Invasive alien palm Pinanga coronata threatens native tree ferns in an oceanic island rainforest. – Australian Journal of Botany. (


Boehmer H.J.: Where to invade next – Biological Invasions and Sustainability in the South Pacific. University of Passau, Germany, Department of Geography, May 2020.

Boehmer H.J.: Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience – The Recent Dynamics of Mountain Regions as an Interdisciplinary Challenge. University of Innsbruck, Department of Geography, January 2020.

Lodhar S.Y.F., Forey E., Galvin S., Boehmer H.J.:  A tropical oceanic island rainforest under impact of invasive Ivory cane palm (Pinanga coronata). R&D Conference on Invasive Alien Species Management and Biosecurity Measuresin the Asia Pacic 2019. Manila, Philippines, July 2019.

Forey E., Boehmer H.J., Lodhar S. and M. Chauvat : An invasive palm tree modifies the functional structure and linkages of above and belowground communities in South Pacific Fiji Islands. GDR CNRS 3647 Biological Invasion, Rennes, France, Oct 2018.

Boehmer H.J.: Forschen in einer anderen Welt – Zur neuen Walddynamik auf pazifischen Inseln. University of Jena, Germany, Department of Geography, June 2018.

Boehmer H.J.: Invasive alien ivory cane palm (Pinanga coronata) affects Fiji’s native plant biodiversity. Pacific Invasives Partnership (PIP), Suva, Fiji, Oct 2017.

Gopaul S.: Breaking the Wall of Invasion Biology: on how to minimise the spread of an invasive pest and restore native flora in Fiji. Australian Falling Walls Lab, Canberra, Sep 2017. ( and ( and (

Dyer, M.J.B. and G. Keppel: Using expert knowledge and field surveys to manage an invasive alien palm in a Pacific Island Rainforest: Scaling up to the challenge. University of Goettingen, Germany, Biogeography Lab, Aug 2017.

Dyer, M.J.B., Keppel, G. and H.J. Boehmer: Using expert knowledge and field surveys to manage an invasive alien palm in a Pacific Island lowland rainforest. IUCN Island Invasives Conference, Dundee, Scotland, Jul 2017.

Dyer, M.J.B., Keppel, G. and H.J. Boehmer: Using expert knowledge and field surveys to manage invasive plants in Pacific Island lowland rainforest. SPREP Staff Seminar Series to the Deputy High Commission to Samoa from Australia, Apia, Samoa, Jun 2017.

Dyer, M.J.B., Keppel, G. and H.J. Boehmer: The invasion history of Pinanga coronata on Viti Levu, Fiji and its competition with native tree ferns in the understory of lowland rainforests. The University of South Australia, Pacific Biogeography Collaboration, Jan 2017.

Dyer, M.J.B.: The distribution and effect of the invasive palm Pinanga coronata on native tree ferns in mahogany plantations and lowland rainforests. IUCN Oceania (Suva), Nov 2016.

Dyer, M.J.B.: The distribution and impacts of the invasive palm tree Pinanga coronata on native vegetation in Colo-i-Suva Forest Park and Savura Forest Reserve. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Nov 2016.

Dyer, M.J.B.: From a voyage on the STS Young Endeavour to studying biological invasions in the South Pacific. The Australian Plant Society, Adelaide Chapter, Nov 2016.

Boehmer H.J.: Structure and dynamics of Viti Levu´s rainforests under impact of invasive alien Pinanga coronata. Poster presentation, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Nov 2016.

Boehmer H.J., Hanson G.C., Lodhar S., Matthieu J.-B., Lenz M.-I., Galvin S. and J.H. Lowry: Rapid emergence of a novel ecosystem in a Pacific island forest reserve. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Marburg, Germany, Sep 2016.

Lowry J.H., Hanson G., Lodhar S., and H.J. Boehmer: Structure and dynamics of Fiji’s montane forests under impact of invasive alien Pinanga coronata. Pacific Science Inter-Congress, PABITRA session, Taipeh, June 2016.

Boehmer H.J.: Recently spreading ivory cane palm (Pinanga coronata) – an upcoming threat to Fiji’s native biodiversity? IUCN, Protected Areas Committee, Fiji: Suva, Oct 2015.

Boehmer H.J.: Long-term dynamics of Pacific montane forests. Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use (CBL), Section for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Forestry (SETSAF). University of Goettingen, Germany, June 2015.